1. Introduction

1.1 Background Research  

The purpose of the study is so that we can understand more about trebuchet and how it has helped during warfare and in the modern world today. Trebuchet is a part of the catapult family. It is a machine used in medieval siege warfare for hurling large stones or other missiles. It uses gravity or gravitational force to power the trebuchet and fire the loaded item(s). However, technology has vastly improved. The many modern uses of the catapult includes aircraft catapults, deploying military weapons, launching clay pigeons and the slingshot. Many of these catapults uses elastic or chemical potential energy, but very little uses gravitational energy to power the catapult. The basic idea of a Trebuchet is that it is powered through momentum and gravity. The contraption consists of a counter weight basket, a throwing arm, a sling and a base. Gravity would make the counter weight basket go down, and this in turn would swing the throwing arm and sling up. We believe that more weights will help the projectile to travel further. The greater the amount of gravitational force is present and the greater the kinetic energy when the arm swings so the projectile can move much further and faster.

1.2 Research Question

To investigate how the amount of weights affects the distance traveled by a projectile from the catapult.

1.3 Hypothesis
The higher amount of ankle weights added, the further the projectile will travel.

1.3.1 Independent Variable(s)

The weight affecting the distance travelled by the projectile.

1.3.2 Dependent Variable

The distance in centimetres of the projectile travelled.

1.3.3 Constants

1. Type of projectile
2. Location
3. Measuring Device
4. Catapult used

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